Lesson 10 – 1 Peter 5:8-13

by | Oct 18, 2024 | 1 Peter, Cornerstone Women's Bible Study

Read 1 Peter 5:8-9

1. In Rev. 20:1-2 we are told that there will be a time when Satan will be bound and restrained for 1000 years, but that time has not yet arrived. For now, Satan walks about. Comment on this quote: The devil certainly walks about; he is a finite being and can only be in one place at one time, yet his effort, energy, and associates enable him to extend his influence all over the world and in every arena of life. – Guzik

2. How is the devil described in verse 8, and what is his goal?

a. What do you know about lions that would help you understand the devil?

b. 2 Cor. 2:11 tells us that as Christians, we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. We know many of his devices by the names he is called in the scriptures. What are some of these names?
(see Matt. 4:3, Jn 8:44, Eph. 2:2, Rev. 12:9, Rev. 12:10)

3. Because Satan is walking about, we are told to be sober and vigilant. What do these words mean?

4. According to verse 9 we are to resist Satan by doing two things. What are they, and how will they help us resist Satan?

5. “Resist” means to “stand against”. What does James 4:7 tell us will happen when we resist the devil?

Read 1 Peter 5:10-11 – A Prayer for Strengthening

1. God is the God of all grace. What is grace and what does the word “all” indicate?

2. What did God call us to? What does this mean?

3. As Christians we suffer. In 2 Tim. 3:12 we are even promised suffering. What is God’s purpose in allowing suffering? (1 Pet. 1:6-7, Rom. 5:3-4, 2 Cor. 4:17)

a. What attitude did Paul have toward suffering? (Col. 1:24)

b. At times suffering seems to last a very long time. But what are we assured of in 1 Pet. 5:10?

4. In verse 10 Peter’s prayer to the God of all grace asks that he would accomplish four things in their lives. These things should be our prayer also. Define these things:

a. perfect you –

b. establish you –

c. strengthen you –

d. settle you –

5. (vs 11) The God of all grace, who does this glorious work in us, is worthy of our highest praise! What does “to Him be the glory and dominion” mean? How long is forever and ever?

Read 1 Peter 5:12-14 – Peter’s Conclusion

1. Silvanus, whose Aramaic name was Silas, worked closely with Paul. Apparently Peter had dictated this letter to Silvanus up to this point, but then, as was the custom of the day, he concluded with his own handwriting. Peter summed up his message as an exhortation to understand and recognize “the true grace of God in which you stand”. We must understand not only what God’s grace is, but that grace is our place of present standing before Him. – Guzik How is grace our place of present standing before God?

2. The “She” in verse 13 is the church. Babylon, as we learned in Lesson 1, was probably symbolic for Rome. (Rome is called Babylon in Rev. 17:5 and 18:10). This is a greeting from the church in Rome, to the churches in Asia Minor. “Mark my son” is John Mark whom we read about in the book of Acts. He is Peter’s spiritual son and the writer of the gospel of Mark. Can you give a current day example of a church in one city greeting a church in another city?

3. Peter encourages the recipients to greet one another with a kiss of love. This was the traditional greeting of the time. We might say, “Give them a hug for me.” The warmth and love of greeting is another proof of Christian love. Is this expressed freely by you in your church?

4. In his final statement, Peter pronounces a blessing of peace upon them, and then ends with “Amen.” What does “amen” mean?

In Summary

1 Peter has been a tremendous book to study! Thinking back over these 10 weeks of study, what are a few things that God has used this study to teach you and make you more Christlike in your actions, your words, your thoughts, or your behaviors? Is there something that you really appreciated about the time of discussion we enjoyed together?

May the God of all grace continue to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you!