Lesson 7 – 1 Peter 3:8-22

by | Oct 18, 2024 | 1 Peter, Cornerstone Women's Bible Study

Read 1 Peter 3:8-12 – Godly Living

1. In the last two lessons, we have studied the way that Christians should treat others. In this next section, Peter continues his thoughts by pleading for unity and love among those who belong to Christ. What does it mean to be of one mind? (See 1 Cor. 2:16) How does having “compassion for one another” (1 Pet. 3:8) add to your understanding?

2. In verses 8 and 9 Peter gives us a picture of what Christian love should look like. It is by the love we show one another that others will know we are Christians. (see John 13:35) Define the words used in verse 8 that describe this love.

3. Verse 9 tells us two things that we are not to do. What does this verse tell us to do instead?

4. We can live on one of three levels: We can return evil for good, which is the satanic level. We can return evil for evil, which is the human level. Or, we can return good for evil, which is the divine level. – Wiersbe How is Jesus an example of the latter level?

5. What will be the result when we treat others in this way? (See the end of verse 9.)

6. To end this section, Peter quotes Psalm 34:12-16. Read Psalm 34 in its entirety and list several blessings you see that are available to those who trust in God.

Read 1 Peter 3:13-17 – Suffering As Followers

1. Although Peter has taught us to return good for evil, he knows that this is not necessarily the way the world works. We will suffer. We will face persecution (See 2 Tim. 3:12). But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are ________________! (vs 14) How are you encouraged by Matthew 5:10-12?

2. Verse 14b quotes Isaiah 8:12b. This is written as a command. In verse 15 Peter instructs us on how to obey this command. He gives us 3 instructions. In the chart below fill in your thoughts on what these mean and why they are important. Before you do this, explain the reason for the hope that is in you. (vs 15)

Now continue to the chart:

Peter’s Instruction                   Meaning and Importance

Sanctify the Lord
in your heart

Always be ready
to give a defense

Do this in
meekness and fear


3. In verse 16 we are instructed to have a good conscience. Describe what it means to
have a good conscience. According to this verse, why must we have a good conscience?

4. (vs 17) What is better, if it is the will of God? Why?

Read 1 Peter 3:18-22 – The Just Suffering for the Unjust

1. The gospel message is seen in verse 18. For what reason does this verse tell us that Jesus suffered? What does this mean?

2. There are several different interpretations of verse 19, primarily because of the phrase “spirits in prison.” The Greek word translated “spirits” can mean human spirits, angels, or demons. We see by the words “by whom,” that not only was Jesus made alive by the Spirit, but it was also by the Spirit’s leading that He preached to the spirits in prison. These might be those spoken of in Phil. 2:10 as those “under the earth.” Your thoughts?

3. Sometime after His death and before His resurrection, Jesus delivered a message to spirits who had something to do with the time of Noah. There is much speculation and disagreement on all the details of this, but what do you know about the time of Noah? (See Gen. 6) We are not told what Jesus preached, but it could not have been the message of salvation. Why not?

4. (vs 21) The floodwaters symbolize the baptismal waters, which in turn symbolize the salvation that can be obtained through Christ’s death. (NKJV Study Bible) Compare and contrast the floodwaters with the waters of baptism.

5. In the parenthetical phrase of verse 21, Peter reminds us that baptism does not save us. The important thing is to have a good conscience before God. This conscience is made good through what? (end of verse 21)

6. Briefly share your story of salvation or baptism:

7. (vs 22) The ascension of Jesus is recorded in Acts 1:9-11. Through these verses, what do we learn about the 2nd coming of Jesus? “At the right hand of God” holds what significance? (vs 22a)

8. (vs 22) Who has been made subject to Jesus? What does this mean to you and me?