Lesson 5 – Jonah 3:1

by | Oct 11, 2024 | Cornerstone Women's Bible Study, Jonah

Read Jonah 3:1 – The God of the Second Chance

1. Compare Jonah 1:1 with Jonah 3:1.

2. It may seem strange, but Jonah 3:1 is the favorite verse of some people. It is a verse full of hope. Do you see the hope in it?

3. Our God is surely the God of Second Chances. In fact, He is the God of Unlimited Second Chances. What does this description of God mean to you?

a. Do you see our society today as one in which second chances are extended to people?

b. Have you been in the habit of extending second chances?

4. Because of the importance of this idea, we’re going to look at several examples in the Scriptures when God gave people second chances to walk in obedience. We know that our obedience is proof of our love for Him. We find this concept in John 14:15. Why do you think God gives people the opportunity to try again?

a. Review King David’s story from 2 Samuel Chapters 11 and 12. David suffered the consequences of his sin throughout the rest of his life, but still, God hadn’t given up on him. David repented and was given a second chance. What did this second chance look like in the life of David?

– Most of David’s Psalms that are recorded in the book of Psalms were written after the events of 2 Samuel Chapters 11 and 12. As a result of David’s God given second chance we have Psalm 23, Psalm 32, Psalm 51, and other Psalms that have become precious to us. What do
you see in David’s heart for God in these Psalms?

– David took the second chance he was given and used it to serve God and bring Him glory. After this, we don’t see David living in disobedience. Through this second chance, David proved his love for his God through obedience. Praise the Lord for David’s second chance!

b. The apostle Peter was given a second chance. Imagine being known for centuries for the three times you denied Jesus! Yet Peter’s story doesn’t end with this denial. He was given a second chance. Summarize Peter’s story from Luke 22:31-34, Luke 22:54-62, and John 21:15-17.

– Peter took this second chance and led the newly established church. It was Peter who received a vision which showed him that Christians no longer were under the law, and he was the first to recognize that Jesus died for the Gentiles too. Comment on this from Acts Chapter 10.

– Consider the treasures found in 1 Peter and 2 Peter! Praise the Lord for Peter’s second chance!

c. Paul the Apostle was unrelenting in his persecution of the early Christians. That is until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus! Paul had put fear in the lives of these precious first Christians. Yet Paul was given a second chance to serve the Lord. Summarize this from Acts 9:1-19.

– Paul took his second chance and spread the gospel throughout the known world. Look through the book of Acts and record a few of the churches planted by Paul.

– When we read through the New Testament, much of what we read are the writings of Paul. Thousands of years later we still learn from this man who received a second chance. Praise the Lord for Paul’s second chance!

5. Is God still extending second chances? Has He given you any second chances? What did you do with your second chance?

a. Can a person ask for a second chance? Consider these verses: 1 Jn 1:9, Acts 3:19, Phil 4:13, Jms 5:16. What choices would you need to make as you ask for a second chance?

b. Consider this: Does God always give second chances?

c. God gives us second chances and new beginnings and expects us to extend that same grace to others. When might you have the opportunity to extend a second chance to someone?

d. Might there be a time when forgiveness, but not the extending of a second chance, would be the godly choice?

6. Our God is the God of unlimited second chances because He is merciful. Jms 5:11 tells us that He is full of compassion and mercy. (NIV) Define mercy.

a. Write out Lamentations 3:22-24.

b. Write out Psalm 86:15.

c. How are God’s thoughts about mercy described in Micah 7:18? (Note: In some versions “mercy” is translated as “steadfast love” or “loving kindness.” )

d. Describe further the mercy of God through these verses: Luke 1:58, Luke 1:78, 1 Pet 1:3.

e. How is God described in Eph. 2:4a?

f. There will never be a time when if you ask God to be merciful – if you sincerely ask Him to give you a second chance to obey Him – that He will say no. He is long-suffering with you. You will never use up your fair share of mercy. Spend a few minutes thanking and praising the Lord for His great mercy toward you.

7. As we continue on through Jonah 3 in Lesson 6, we’ll see what Jonah does with his second chance. Re-read Jonah 3:1. Might this verse become your favorite?