1 “Brethren and fathers, hear my defense before you now.”
Defense- verbal defense, speech in defense, a reasoned statement or argument
Reason and rational for believing what we believe.
I. Speak In A Way That People Can Understand V. 2
Though the Jews understood Greek, Paul spoke to them in their preferred language, Hebrew
He speaks with respect and love: “Brethren and fathers…”
A. My Experiences
1. On tour in England, 1989, 90- “Born again” had negative connotations b/c of T.V. evangelist scandals.
2. We needed to say that we were “followers of Jesus”.
B. Jesus’ Manner Of Communicating
1. Farming parables for farmers
2. Fishing parables for fishermen
3. God the Son stepping out of glory, and putting on flesh to walk among us
C. Paul’s Efforts
1 Corinthians 9:19-22 19For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; 20and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; 21to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; 22to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
D. Don’t Get Stuck In “Your World”; Consider “Their World”
1. If unsuccessful, consider saying the same thing with different words/examples.
2. Seek common ground whereby you may clearly communicate.
3. Don Richardson- missionary & author of “Peace Child”
a. He worked among the Sawi people in Papa New Guinea
b. Headhunters who believed that life’s greatest virtue was pretending to make peace w/someone, betraying them, then killing and eating them
c. The Sawi honored treachery as a virtue, and saw Judas as a hero
d. There was one exception: to make peace w/a warring tribe, a tribal chief had to give his child to the other tribe. Both tribal leaders would do this.
e. As long as that child lived, there would be peace.
f. Murder was normally admired, but killing a Peace Child was forbidden.
g. Richardson applied the custom to the Father’s giving Jesus as Peace Child
h. The Sawi tribe understood this act of sacrifice, and received Christ.
II. Realize The Common Ground Of Earlier Life Vs. 3-5
A. Communicate Specifics Of Life Before Christ V. 3a
1. “I am indeed a Jew….” Indeed- truly, certainly, surely
2. Paul is mindful to emphasize his likeness with them
3. He mentions Gamaliel, who was a highly respected rabbi
4. Gamaliel was respected by both Hebrew Jews & Greek Jews
5. Paul present himself as worthy of believing
B. Recognize Your Audience’s Values Of Life Vs. 3b-5
1. Paul recognizes their high regard for Mosaic law V. 3b
2. Recognizes their zeal for God V. 3b
3. Speaks of zeal he had against those who “opposed” the Law V. 4
4. Mentions respected leaders who could verify his story V. 5
5. In essence, Paul is saying…
a. I understand how you feel about life.
b. I understand what is important to you.
c. I was passionate about the same things that you are.
d. I was very committed to the things that you are committed to.
e. Lots of people would tell you that I was like you
6. We should neither dismiss nor over-emphasize our life before Christ.
7. God can use a sanctified re-telling of our testimonies.
III. Speak About When You Realized You Were Wrong Vs. 6-16
A. Your Encounter With God Vs. 6-9
1. Paul simply tells his story
2. He keeps it all “first person”
3. Even when we are talking about “ourselves”, others will make the connection
4. He relates how overpowering His encounter w/Jesus was
5. He tells of witnesses that could testify to this encounter & change in him
B. Your Smallness Before God Vs. 10-13
1. Paul calls Jesus “Lord”. He previously persecuted Christians.
2. He is no longer on his own mission, but now asking for instructions.
3. He relates that he is now going to follow Jesus’ plan.
“…things which are appointed for you to do.” V. 10
4. He was physically humbled & dependent on others b/c of the blindness
5. He mentions that Ananias is a law-abiding man, but not that he is a Christian
C. God’s Sovereignty Over Your Life Vs. 14, 15
1. God chose me, to know His will
2. God chose me to see the Just One, and hear His voice
3. God chose me to be a witness of what I have seen & heard
D. Your Unrighteousness Before God V. 16
1. As a Pharisee, Paul thought himself righteous
2. Now he is being instructed about true righteousness
3. Faith in Jesus, calling upon his name, being baptized in Jesus’ name
E. Your Life As A Christian V. 17-21
1. Paul spoke about how he was directed away from Jerusalem and to the Gentiles
2. Paul protested against Jesus, acknowledging the zeal of the Jews
3. This turns out to be an accusation against how they should have reacted to Paul.
4. They should have believed one who was even more zealous than they were.
5. Paul is saying that they were guilty for not believing such a witness as Paul’s
6. At the mention of the Gentiles, the Jews sought to kill Paul
7. The Jews did not consider Gentiles as their equals.
8. Paul tells them that Gentiles would be saved in the same manner as the Jews
IV. Paul’s Testimony Is Rejected
Paul is the perfect witness, but is refused b/c of their prejudice & ungodliness