I. The Samaritans
A. Before Conversion
1. Spiritually Deceived By Simon-
a. Astonished and attracted to magical arts.
b. Believed Simon the Sorcerer was from God.
2. Some Were Demon Possessed
3. Some Physically Infirm
4. People’s Condition Apart From Jesus- Acts 26:18
B. Conversion
1. Heard & Believed The Gospel
2. Set Free From Demon Possession
3. Many Were Healed
4. Great Joy
C. Baptized In The Holy Spirit
1. They Were Christians
2. They Had Received Water Baptism- A Sign Of Their Faith
3. They Had Not Been Baptized In The Holy Spirit
4. They Were Lacking This Dynamic- Somehow Noticeable
5. Not An Issue Of Salvation, But Of Power For Living- Acts 1:8
II. The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
A. With- para
1. H.S. With A Person Prior To Conversion- John 14:15-18
2. Pre-(and Post) Conversion Ministry Of The Holy Spirit- John 16:8-11
a. Convict- to convince, correct, reprove.
b. Of sin- sin is rejecting God’s ways. The biggest sin is to reject Christ. The H.S. speaks to the heart of a person, and convinces them of the sin of rejecting Jesus and of other sins.
c. Of righteousness- Jesus’ personal righteousness was proven by the fact of His resurrection and subsequent ascension. This shows that He was acceptable as God’s sacrifice for man’s sins. This tells man that all that Jesus said about Himself was true. John 14:6
The H.S. convinces people that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
d. Of judgment- The judgment of Satan. All of Satan’s ways are judged as wrong. His power over men is broken. Men can be free from the enslaving power of sin. H.S. comes to convince people of these truths.
B. In- en
1. John 14:17
2. John 20:31 I believe that this is when the disciples are born again.
C. Upon- epi
1. Acts 1:4-8
2. Acts 2:1-4
D. Describing The Event
1. The H.S. comes upon the believer
2. The person is baptized in the Holy Spirit
3. The believer is filled.
4. The H.S. falls upon the believer. To take possession of; to press upon.
5. All four phrases are used to describe the same event.
E. How It Takes Place
1. Acts 2-They waited as Jesus had said, and they were baptized in the H.S.
2. Acts 8- They are questioned re. the baptism of H.S.
It is determined that this event has not happened yet, and so the apostles lay their hands upon the people, and the H.S. falls upon them.
3. Acts 10:44-48 While Peter is speaking, the people are saved and the H.S. falls upon them.
4. Three different scenarios of the same event.
F. The Purpose Of The Baptism Of The H.S.
1. Power to witness, live for, speak of Jesus Christ.
2. Power- dunamis
a. strength power, ability
b. inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
c. power for performing miracles
d. moral power and excellence of soul
3. Power to live this way brings a witness, a testimony about Jesus.
4. Spiritual Gifts- 1 Cor. 12 & 14; Romans 12
G. Jesus Said To Ask For This
1. Assumes You Are First A Believer And Follower Of Jesus Christ
2. Be willing to receive the ministry of the H.S. into your life
a. Sin- personal conviction regarding your own sins.
b. Righteousness- the holiness and exclusivity of Jesus Christ as Lord
c. Judgment of Satan; power of sin broken, Satan judged as guilty
3. Ask- Luke 11:5-13 The Father is willing to fill us with the H.S.
a. The parable speaks of a passionate persistence towards a goal.
b. The awkwardness of the neighbor at midnight speaks of his persistence and deep desire.
c. The neighbor’s prayer was not a casual request, but an earnest, heartfelt desire.
4. Our prayers to be filled w/ the H.S. should not be a casual afterthought.
a. As the neighbor had a deep desire for bread, so we should have a deeper desire to be filled with the H.S.
b. The need for persistence isn’t due to the reluctance of our Heavenly Father.
c. Persistent prayer is that which develops in us a passion heart to want what God wants for us.
d. Do you really want power to live for Jesus, to live a holy life, and to be a witness of Him? Are you desiring to experience what God wants for you?
e. If yes, then ask from a sincere heart.