I. Working Out Your Salvation Vs. 12-16a 

A. Our Part V. 12 

1. Work out- literally- “Carry it to its ultimate conclusion.”  i.e.: a math problem.
2. Not work for your salvation but work out your salvation.  Salvation is received.
3. The living out of the saved life, keeping yourself in the ways of God.
4. The Christian life is not one lived out w/o putting forth effort towards godliness.
5. Jude 1:21 “…keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto  eternal life.
6. Titus 2:11, 12 “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.  It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…”
7. Carry on, continue on, persevere in your path, and don’t quit living for Christ.
8. Do so with cautious fear, and self-caution, knowing yourself, and the capability of your heart towards wickedness.
9. In particular the Philippians needed to strive towards humility, unity, love of others, self-renunciation, guarding against self-promotion.

B. God’s Part V. 13 

1. for it is God who works in you…

a. Works- energeo, en-erg-eh’-o: to be active, efficient, effective, powerful
b. To produce effect, to work, to be active.
c. We get the word energetic from this word.

2. We can only “work out” that which God has energetically “worked in”.
3. God is the initiator, the source, the designer, & the power supply for godliness.
4. We cannot create the “Christian life” within ourselves.
5. We can only respond to what God is doing in us.  Surrender & obedience.
6. He causes us “to will & to do”.  He gives the desire & ability to live godly lives.
7. He doesn’t force us or compel us but exerts His influence upon our hearts.
8. That which He places in us brings Him great pleasure.  The “what” is good.
9. As we “work out” what God has “worked in”, it gives Him pleasure.  Process.
10. That we want to live godly gives Him pleasure, as well as when we do it.
11. NOTE- When we fail to live godly lives, and we grieve over that, there is still something to rejoice over.

a. The fact that we grieve over a lack of godliness means that we care.
b. It means that God IS working is us.
c. May we grieve too much over our lack of “working it out”.
d. Instead, may we be encouraged that God has “worked it in”.
e. We need to confess our sins and start over in His grace and love.
f. That you want to “work it out” proves your sonship.  Romans 8:14-17 

C. What “Working It Out” Looks Like Vs. 14-16a 

1. Remember, one of the problems with the Philippians was lack of unity.
2. God had put His desire & power within them to achieve unity.
3. V. 14- Murmuring- Don’t grumble, speak under your breath.
4. V. 14- Disputing- Arguing with undertones of suspicion and doubt.
5. V. 15- Don’t give others opportunity to criticize us, or the gospel. Shine.

a. Lack of love & unity among us keep unbelievers away from Jesus.

6. V. 16- Holding fast- to have or hold, apply, observe, to give heed, to take heed

a. It is a failure of many Christians to not read or obey God Word.

II. Why Work Out Your Salvation?  Vs. 16b-30, 13 

A. Because Paul Cared Vs. 16b-19 

1. V.16b- God had “worked into” Paul a heart to care about their spiritual progress.
2. Paul was “working out” what God had put in his heart.
3. He wanted to know that his efforts towards them were not for nothing.
4. Heavenly speaking, those efforts would be rewarded.

a. Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

5. V. 17- Paul was in jail.  He hoped his efforts were not in vain, humanly speaking.

a. Paul desired to be able to rejoice in the day of Christ regarding his work towards them
b. Drink offering- The act of pouring liquid out as a sacrifice before God.

i. Often a perfume of wine that was added to a sacrifice.
ii. Indicates that Paul believed his death may have been imminent.

6. V. 18- Paul desired that they rejoice with him re. his service for them.

a. How blessed they were to have a man that would pour out his life for them.
b. Example- A brave Athenian returned from the battle of Marathon, bleeding with wounds, and exhausted, and rushed into the presence of the magistrates, and uttered these words, “Rejoice, we rejoice.”  Then he died.

7. V. 19- How blessed they were that Paul would send Timothy to check on them.

a. That means that Paul would be sacrificing Timothy on a personal level.
b. Paul’s comfort was to know that the Philippians were OK.

B. Because Timothy Cared Vs. 19-24 

1. Vs. 19, 20- Timothy wasn’t just serving Paul in going, he genuinely cared.

a. How blessed they were to have a man of proven character that cared for them.
b. In caring for them, his absence from Paul would cause concern to his heart.
c. He would suffer in leaving his “spiritual dad” in prison to check on them.

2. Vs. 21-24- Paul would sacrifice a great amount of support in sending Timothy.

C. Because Epaphroditus Cared Vs. 25-30; 4:18 

1. Paul sacrificed a supporter during this difficult time, and for their sakes.
2. Paul released Epaphroditus also for Epaphroditus’ sake, know the reunion would bring joy.
3. Vs. 29, 30- Epaphroditus had “worked it out” on their behalf.

a. Shouldn’t they do the same?
b. He “worked it out” so much that he deserved their esteem and honor.
c. Epaphroditus was probably was the courier who delivered this letter.

4. Paul’s sorrow was partially relieved by knowing that Epaphroditus delivered the letter.

D. Because God Cares V. 13