I. How Paul Asked To Be Considered Vs. 1, 2
A. The Setting
1. The church at Corinth had an incorrect view of their leaders. Turn to 1:12; 3:4-7
2. They were exalting certain leaders in the church thinking less of other.
3. We believe that their preferences were based upon worldly considerations…
a. Eloquence, looks, manner of speaking, worldly philosophy, etc.
b. The church was splitting into small groups who were gathering around certain men.
4. Paul wrote to correct their carnal viewpoints.
B. Paul’s Request To The Corinthians V. 1
1. Essentially, Paul is saying, ‘‘if you want to have an opinion about me, base it on this’’.
2. A servant -Servants (huperetes) in the Greek means “under-rowers” or “galley slaves.”
a. The under-rowers were placed on the bottom deck of a ship.
b. They sat on benches, and on a small deck above them was their master.
c. He would tell them when to row, how fast to row, whether to forwards or backwards.
d. Their only job was to hear their master’s voice and obey.
e. Just as the galley slave heard and obeyed the voice of his master, so the minister should be in submission to the Lord Jesus, and to him alone.
3. A steward- The steward was the household manager who protected the treasures of the house and drew from them for the needs of the family.
a. The steward, in relation to the master was a slave, but a master over other slaves.
b. For stewards, the important thing was faithfulness–being an efficient manager of the master’s resources, often regardless of what others thought or suggested.
c. The truths and direction of God are treasures which leaders share with the church.
4. Paul, Apollos, Peter and others had up front ministries. They stood before others.
a. They used their teaching, preaching, exhorting gifts in front of others.
b. They were appreciated, or not appreciated. Admired or looked down upon.
c. Judged by looks, voice, mannerisms, personality, intellect.
d. They are usually compared to others who have the same kind of ministry.
e. It is very easy to come to conclusions about “up front” ministers.
f. Very easy to form opinions about them based upon what is seen and heard in public.
C. Paul Reminded Them What Was Important In Leaders V. 2
1. Faithful to God, and faithful with the gifts God has given him or her.
D. Thoughts About Leaders
1. They are to follow the direction of Jesus Christ. Nothing more, and nothing less.
2. They are not called to follow people’s opinions.
3. The servant of God doesn’t obey a Church Board, or a denomination, or the congregation.
4. The church of Jesus Christ doesn’t belong to a Board, a denomination, or even to the
congregation. The church had never been a democracy. The church is a theocracy.
5. Jesus in the place of headship. The servant of God is called to follow Jesus, not people.
6. This sometimes bothers people. The servant of God is to not bow to public opinion.
7. So many church leaders have their service to God stifled, because of the fear of people.
8. Each of us needs to have a holy fear of God, not men. Especially true for leaders.
II. Paul’s Thoughts About Being Judged Vs. 3-4a
A. He Wasn’t Concerned With People’s Judgement Of Him V. 3a
1. Judge -anakrino-to determine the excellence or defects of a person or thing. 2
2. There are different types of congregational evaluation, according to Stuart Briscoe.
a. There is adulation, which swells the head.
i. The preacher can fall into the trap of loving compliments.
ii. He avoids preaching on hard topics, so as to stay popular and loved.
b. There is manipulation, which ties the hands.
i. People can try to influence the servant of God in various ways.
ii. Withholding tithes and offerings.
iii. Offering large amounts of money to the church if things are done a certain way.
iv. Church Boards that will vote against what the pastor believes to be the will of God.
v. Trying to make a pastor or servant follow man’s desire, instead of God’s will.
vi. This can make the servant of God hold back from what God wants him to do.
c. There is antagonism, which breaks the heart.
i. Outright, sharp, open-faced opposition.
ii. Face to face confrontation and disagreement.
iii. Slander, lies, whisperings, comparison to other leaders.
B. Paul Didn’t Depend On His Own Judgment Of Himself Vs. 3b, 4a
1. V. 3b-Now that does not mean that he does not look at himself and evaluate what he is
doing because he does, and he tells us that he does in other places in Scripture.
2. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith.
3. V. 4a- What he means is that he does not take any final notice of self-judgment.
a. Paul was current with God; whatever God had shown him up to that moment, Paul had responded appropriately.
b. But he realized that his self-evaluation was incomplete and limited.
c. We can be blind to our own faults and failures, and he knew it.
d. We can be too hard on ourselves, and we don’t see that God is using us.
C. Paul Knew That God Was His Judge V. 4b
1. V. 4b-This was the final and only thing that mattered.
2. That God saw Paul clearly, and would evaluate and reward him righteously.
3. This needs to be the constant attitude of every follower of Jesus.
4. It will liberate us from the fear of man, self-condemnation, and the danger of pride.
III. Paul’s Conclusions Vs. 4b-5
A. He Warned The Corinthians About Judging Others V. 5a
1. V. 5a- It is so easy for us to judge the servants of God who stand before others.
a. The so called-mediocre pastor who struggles to study because of dyslexia.
b. The melancholy leader who doesn’t speak about his chronic pain or depression.
c. The talented, funny pastor, who substitutes humor for a lack of study and prayer.
d. The evangelist who wins many to Christ, but who privately unloving to his family.
2. There are aspects of people’s service to God and lives that we know nothing about.
B. He Reminded Them That God’s Approval Is What Matters V. 5b
1. V. 5b- God knows our motives, our efforts, our lack of efforts, when we suffer, when we take shortcuts, etc. He sees not only our visible service to Him, but our secret lives as we serve. This is for both approval for reward or for a sad silence over our lack on integrity.
2. Paul is not saying that we are not to judge the actions of men when they do wrong. In the next chapter he scolds this church because they do not judge the actions of a man who
has done something wrong in the church.