1 Corinthians 11

by | Dec 16, 2024 | 1 Corinthians, New Testament

Paul has been teaching them about not abusing the priviliges, liberties, and rights which they have as Christians.
He has made it clear not to use your right or freedom, when it could stumble a weaker brother.
He also used himself as an example, when he did not receive financial support from the church at Corinth, even though, as an apostle and teacher, he had the right to do so.
He refused his rights, because it would have been detrimental to the church.

1- This verse properly belongs to the preceding chapter. The scriptures are divinely inspired, but the chapter breaks are not.
As Paul sought to give no offense to anyone, and as he sought to deny himself for the well-being of others, so should they follow his example.
Paul followed the example and life of jesus Christ. As he followed Christ, and as they followed his Christ lead example, they would not be in error.
Paul could usually point back to his own life as an example which illustrated his doctrine of correct Christian behavior.

This first section goes from verses 2-16.
It involves the propriety of a woman, who, being under the inspiration of the Spirit, would remove the veil from her head as she stood up to prophecy in the congregation.
This would be similar to the behavior of the women in the pagan temples, who would prophecy with their heads uncovered.
Was it proper for a woman, under the inspiration of the Spirit, to remove her veil, which was a sign of her feminityand subjection to her husband?

2- Now I praise you brethren…. When ever he could, he sought to offer commendation to them, especially when he also had reason to reprove them in similar areas.

…that you remember me in all things… they had written to him concerning questions they had about church order, the Christian life, marriage, etc.
They sought his counsel, and regarded his authority

…and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you. Generally speaking, they followed the teachings of the apostles in regards to church order and Christian life.

3- But I want you to know….. Paul here does not immediately answer their questions, but presents to them facts about a woman’s relationship to a man. He presents to them facts, which, if they logically and spitritually think through, will lead them to the right answer concerning their questions to him. Instead of just telling them what to do, he allows them to discover and be lead to the answer as they consider the facts.
The head of every man is Christ… head=ruler, master, chief. Christ is the ruler, master, lord of the Christian man.

…and the head of woman is man. The Christian woman is subordinate to the man. She is under his authority.
Gen. 3:16 You desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.
This should be reflected in all areas of her life. Her demeanor, her dress, her conversation.
A Christian woman is not to lead, or take a position of leadership over a Christian man.
She should in all ways possible, seek to never disrupt this God ordained leadership of man over the woman, either through word, action, body language, attitudes, etc.
This does not imply inequality of the sexes.
Subordination does not necessarily invlove inequality.
Gal. 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

…and the head of Christ is God. Christ, as Mediator, has assumed a subordinate position and ranking as he intercedes for us to God the Father. Christ recognizes God the Father as superior in rank and in office.
Not my will, but Thy will be done. Jesus assumed a lower office that the Father in regards to the entire plan of redemption for mankind.
Hebrews 5:8 …though He was a son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.
Jesus, in the plan of redemption, has submitted himself to a ranking and office lower than the Father.

4- As men stood up in public to proclaim the word of God, they were not to cover their heads. As it is with many countries and customs, wearing a head covering in the presence of a superior is a disrespectful and dishonoring act.
As a man would stand to deliver the words of Christ, in the presence of Christ, and would have his head covered, it would be dishonoring to Christ.

5- But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered….
We are not to understand that Paul approved of a woman speaking in church at all. At this point in his letter, he is addressing the impropriety of a woman uncovering her head, and what that impied.

6- In strong language, Paul says to let the reproach become complete, if that it what is desired.

7- …since he is the image and glory of God. God created and ordained that the man should he the head in the human race over the woman.
This is not saying that man was created after the imageof God, and that woman wasn’t.
Gen. 1:26,27 Then God said, “Let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness….So God created man in his own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

8,9- Refering back to the original time of creation. Eve was taken from Adam, and made for Adam. The woman has her origin and purpose of life in the man.
When a woman changes her name, and takes her husband’sname at the wedding ceremony, she is following the design and idea presented here.

10- For this reason….. because of Paul has been saying.

…a symbol of authority on her head… the evil being worn as a sign of subordination.

…because of the angels. There are angels present when God’s people meet. They are under authority to God,and are subordinate to Him. If a woman refused to be subordinate to her husband, this would be against what the exitence of the angels was all about.

11,12- In spite of a ranking in office, and an order of leadership between men and women, man and woman have a mutual need for each other.
This order of leadership not meant to cause division between man and woman, there is a mutual need.

Originally, woman came from the side of man; since then, man comes from woman.

13- Judge among yourselves…. Paul lead people to examine the facts and come to conclusions based upon divine facts.
As an apostle, he had authority to simply order them what to do.
Rather, he appeals to them based upon what is obvious to them.
Much better to reason and appeal to them, than to simply command them.

14,15- Paul appeals to the design found in nature.

16- If there were those at Corinth who disagreed, Paul declared that that was the way things should be, and that that was how all the churches of God worshipped.
Corinth was not to think itself unique and exempt from God’s design for proper church worship.

The ideas given are theological reasons, and not cultural reasons.
16, cont.- The main idea here is that God has called women to be subordinate in all things, including congegational worship services.

17- Also a matter of public worship.
The Lord’s Supper usually preceded by the agape meal, or love feast.