Read 2 Peter 3:1-4 – Reminders for the Last Days
1. In Chapter 2, Peter had dealt with the character and conduct of the false teachers. Now, he affirms the truth by addressing the topics which were being used to deceive people. In doing so, Peter first expresses his affection for these Christians by addressing them as his “Beloved.” There are times when Shepherds need to be firm with the church, but their love for the church should still be evident. What terms do your Shepherds use that express love for the sheep? Do you know you are loved by those who shepherd you?
2. Peter has already expressed the need to be reminded of spiritual truths in 2 Pet.1:12-15. Here he speaks of stirring up their pure (sincere) minds. The NLT says: in both of them (both letters) I have tried to stimulate your wholesome thinking and refresh your memory. Throughout the Bible God gives instruction so that His people are reminded of who He is and all He has done. Do you need reminders? Is the job of reminding primarily the responsibility of the Shepherds? What role do you play in addressing your need to be reminded?
3. Verse 2 tells us that we should be mindful of the teachings of two different groups of people. Who were these groups? Where in the Bible do we find the teachings of these two groups?
a. What does it mean to “be mindful”?
b. How is this accomplished?
4. (Vs 3, 4) The scoffers are questioning and even ridiculing the 2nd Coming of Jesus. The “last days” began when Jesus ascended to heaven and continues to this day. “With the advent of Jesus the last chapter of human history had opened, though it was not yet completed.” (Green) What does Peter tell us these scoffers will do and say?
a. What is a scoffer?
b. Is this happening today? Consider this quote: Throughout the centuries, scoffers have denied the 2nd Coming whenever hedonism and humanism have prevailed in the church. – NKJV Study Bible
c. Without getting into too much detail, note these things:
– The 2nd Coming will occur after the 7 years of Tribulation. (The Rapture will occur at the beginning of the 7 years)
– At the 2nd Coming Jesus will come with His saints. (At the Rapture He will come for His saints)
– At the 2nd Coming, Jesus will bring judgment to those who have rejected Him. (At the Rapture He will bring blessing to the saints as they are brought into His presence and are protected
from the Tribulation.)
– You will find scriptural references for these events in the following verses: Rev. 1:7, Matt. 24: 29-31, Acts 1:9-11,
Jn 14:1-3, Mk. 13:32, 1 Thess. 4:16-17, 1 Cor. 15:52, 53
Read 2 Peter 3:5-9 – The Surety of God’s Promise
1. Peter describes the scoffers as those who “willfully forget.” What does this mean?
a. What had the scoffers forgotten?
b. What assurances are brought to Peter’s argument by the phrases “by the word of God” (vs 5) and “by the same word” (vs 7)?
2. As promised by the sign of the rainbow (Gen. 9:8-17), God’s next judgment will come not as a flood, but according to verse 7, how will judgment come?
a. Notice that it is not man’s neglect or abuse of the earth and its resources that will cause this judgment of fire, but it is God who will “push the button” at the right time. God will then usher in the new heaven and the new earth and reign over it all. (See Rev. 21:1) Your thoughts?
b. This judgment was spoken of by the Prophets, by the Apostles, and by Jesus. How does Jesus warn us in Matt 24:36-39?
3. Verses 8 and 9 contain a great truth about our God, one that if pondered upon, will truly stretch our understanding of God. Summarize verse 8. (See also Ps. 90:4)
a. Comment on this quote: “All time is as nothing before him, because in the presence as in the nature of God all is eternity; therefore nothing is long, nothing short, before him; no lapse of ages impairs his purposes.” (Clarke)
b. Contrast living inside the boundaries of time (man), with dwelling outside of time (God).
4. The scoffers say that if Jesus is coming again, where is He? Verse 9 tells us the reason for the delay and shows us God’s heart for people. What does verse 9 tell us about our God?
5. God suffers long with man. Longsuffering is one of His attributes. Confirm this from Ex. 34:6,Num. 14:18a, and Ps. 86:15. How does God’s longsuffering give us hope?