2 Timothy 4:1-22

by | Jan 31, 2025 | 2 Timothy, New Testament

I. Preach The Word Vs. 1-4

A. Preach The Word Vs. 1, 2

1. V. 1a-Paul charged Timothy to preach the word. Like a herald representing a king.

a. The charge was done in the name of God and of Jesus Christ.

b. Paul reminded that all people will be judged.

c. Timothy would answer for his life at the Bema Seat of Christ. Had he been faithful?

d. Paul charge to Timothy could not have been any stronger.

2. V. 2-Declare the word of God! Be ready to do it anywhere, anytime, with anyone.

a. Convince- This has the idea of convincing someone when they are wrong. Not just telling them that they are wrong but convincing them so that they understand and can turn back to God.

b. Rebuke- to tell someone strongly that they are wrong. A strong word. This was needed in Ephesus because of the false teachers. They would not change their ways from a gentle suggestion. They needed strong correction.

c. Exhort- to come alongside and encourage and comfort. Not only correct, but comfort. Timothy needed to be able and ready to do both things. Strong and gentle.

d. Longsuffering- patience, endurance. These speaks of a constant effort from Timothy.

e. Teaching- doctrine. Not to be done from Timothy’s opinions or preferences.

B. Why Timothy Needed To Preach The Word Vs. 3, 4

1. Paul turns his attention away from the false teachers, and onto the listeners.

2. It is a very “natural” thing to not want to be corrected or told that you are wrong.

3. It is a very “natural” thing to want to want to be entertained and promised an easy life.

4. False teachers don’t have to look far to find these kinds of audiences.

5. It has happened since the church was born, but in the last days will become increasingly worse, even leading to the people that will follow the Antichrist.

6. See 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 These people will not believe the truth; God will send them strong delusion. That is terribly frightening. God will give them what they want.

II. Fulfill Your Ministry Vs. 5-8

A. Fulfill Your Ministry V. 5

1. But you-Timothy was to be different than the carnal believers in Ephesus.

a. That can make you feel different and alone.

2. Be watchful-The carnal Ephesians cared only for themselves, but Timothy needed to watch out for all of them. Sometimes pastors take of people that don’t care for anyone except themselves.

3. Endure afflictions-There must have been constant pressure that Timothy felt.

4. Evangelist-Timothy needed to remember to preach the Gospel, not just correct wrong doctrine.

5. Fulfill your ministry-“ministry” is translated “service”. Timothy had a job to do.

B. Paul Would Soon Be Gone Vs. 6-8

1. V. 6-Paul knew that his life would soon end. Compare the words “but you” with “for I”.

a. You need to do these things, for I will not be here to do them.

b. See Numbers 28:1-8 The drink offering was the smallest part of the offerings.

c. Philippians 2:17 Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.

2. V. 7-What an amazing thing to say about your life.

a. Paul had spiritually fought when he needed to.

b. He never quit running his race.

c. He never departed from the faith.

3. V. 8-As Paul got closer to death, he anticipated blessings, and was not fearful.

a. He anticipated being found righteous in the presence of Jesus.

b. That righteous crown (blessing), would be given to him by Jesus. (@ The Bema Seat)

c. Every Christian should look forward to this blessing from Jesus.

d. See Romans 14:10, 12 and 2 Corinthians 5:9, 10

III. Be Diligent And Faithful Vs. 9-22

A. Paul Desired Timothy’s Presence Vs. 9-16

1. V. 9-Paul knew that he could be executed at any moment.

2. V. 10-Crescens & Titus had been sent on other ministry assignments.

a. Demas forsook Paul because he loved the world and didn’t love Jesus.

b. For information on Demas, see Colossians 4:14 and Philemon 24.

3. V. 11-Luke was a longtime companion of Paul and was in jail with him the first time.

a. Mark had been previously considered not useful by Paul, but things had changed, and Paul now considered Mark useful, and he desired his presence with him.

4. V. 12-Paul was willing send his faithful companion even when he (Paul) was in need.

a. Perhaps Tychicus was going to temporarily relieve Timothy in Ephesus.

5. V. 13-Nothing is known about Carpus, or this cloak or parchments.

6. Vs. 14, 15-This might be the same Alexander from 1 Timothy 1:20.

a. If this is that Alexander, we know that Paul had to put him out of the church.

b. Paul was not wanting revenge against Alexander but was warning Timothy to be cautious of Alexander.

c. Paul trusted that God would deal with Alexander.

7. V. 16-This wasn’t at Paul’s first imprisonment. This was Paul’s preliminary hearing for this present imprisonment.

a. Paul’s first imprisonment was in 55-57 A.D.

b. There was a great fire in Rome in 64 A.D., which Nero blamed on the Christians.

c. After that, there was a wave of persecution against Christians, torture and death.

d. It became more dangerous to be a Christian when Paul was arrested again. 68 A.D.

e. Paul was forgiving towards them. He understood the danger that they faced.

B. God Had Been Faithful To Paul Vs. 17, 18

1. V. 17-Paul wasn’t discouraged though others abandoned him. He had surrendered his life to Jesus long before this. See Acts 20:17-24 “None of these things move me”.

a. Mouth of the lion-Either literal or metaphorical re. Nero, or remembering Daniel.

2. V. 18-Paul’s certain death would actually be a deliverance for him from the imprisonment of Rome. He was certain that he would be going to heaven.

C. Paul’s Final Farewell Vs. 19-22

1. Notice the names of people that Paul spoke of. He wasn’t a solitary man.

2. V. 20-Paul left Trophimus sick in Miletus. Undoubtedly, Paul had prayed for him, but for some reason God had not healed Trophimus.

a. Compare that with Acts 19:11, 12 Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.

3. V. 21- Before winter-Two possible reasons: Paul was cold, but he didn’t want Timothy sailing on the Adriatic in winter when it was dangerous.

a. Paul did send greetings from four Roman Christians that were with him.

4. V. 22- Paul’s last words. Not self-focused, but others focused.