2 Timothy 3:1-17

by | Jan 31, 2025 | 2 Timothy, New Testament

I. Description Of The Last Days

A. Ungodly Men Vs. 1-5

1. V. 1-Last days- a broad term describing life on Earth since the death of Jesus, but especially the days just before his return. (See Hebrews 1:1, 2)

a. Perilous-dangerous. Dangerous because of ungodly people. (See Matthew 8:28)

b. Some doctrines will be demonically inspired. (1 Timothy 4:1)

2. V. 2-lovers of themselves-This is very naturally first on the list. Everything else follows.

a. The world tells us that we ought to love ourselves, to put ourselves first.

b. If we all put ourselves first, then life on Earth is miserable. If we put others first, everyone is blessed.

c. Warren Wiersbe-In this universe there is God, and there are people and things. We should worship God, love people, and use things. But if we start worshiping ourselves, we will ignore God and start loving things and using people.

d. “I hate myself”- we say that when we aren’t what we wish we could be. Self-focused.

e. Lovers of money-money is simply a tool which can be used for good or evil.

f. Boasters, proud-There is such an emphasis on being famous. “Instafamous”.

g. Blasphemers-to speak evil of God. To slander God.

h. Disobedient to parents-a lack of respect for parents.

i. Unthankful-See Romans 1:20-23

j. Unholy-wicked.

3. V. 3-unloving- philostorgos- without natural affection. Parents don’t love children, etc.

a. Unforgiving- unwilling to reconcile, holding a grudge. (resentimiento)

b. Slanderers- false accusers.

c. Without self-control- (the definition is obvious)

d. Brutal-not tame, savage, fierce like an animal.

e. Despisers of good-opposed to goodness and good men.

4. V. 4-Traitors-those who betray others and cannot be trusted. They lie and break promises

a. Headstrong- to do things without careful consideration; dangerously impulsive.

b. Haughty- conceited. Those who think too highly of themselves. Lifted up in pride.

c. Lovers of pleasure, not of God-the best pleasures come from loving God.

d. Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

e. Pleasures are a result of loving God. Loving pleasure is an endless search. (Solomon)

5. V. 5- form-a resemblance, a shape, an outline. In this context, not true godliness, but something that is a resemblance of true godliness. Religion without the reality of God.

a. In the last days just prior to Jesus’ return, there will be much false religion. There will be false religious gatherings, teachers, books, conferences, “worship” music, etc.

b. Turn away-Timothy and those he ministered to were to depart from these people.

B. Their Ungodly Actions Vs. 6-9

1. V. 6- These false teachers are predators and look for easy prey.

a. They prey upon gullible women whose lives are full of sin and who have many lusts

2. V. 7- These women are always interested in learning. They seem religious but are filled with various lusts. They minds are curious about religious ideas, but they never discover the truth of God.

3. V. 8-Jannes & Jambres-they are not named in Exodus 7:8-11, but they are named here.

a. Jannes & Jambres resisted and imitated Moses, the true servant-leader of God.

b. These modern-day false teachers have corrupt minds. They are disapproved by God.

4. V. 9-Eventually, the deception of these false teachers will be revealed.

a. For many Christians today, if we wait long enough, God shows us their falsehood.

b. Eventually, when Jesus returns, these false teachers will be exposed, just as Jannes and Jambres were shown to be false men of God.

c. God overcame Jannes & Jambres via judgment. The same will happen with Jesus.

II. The Man of God and the Word of God

A. The Man Of God Vs. 10-13

1. Vs. 10-11 But you…Timothy was unlike those dangerous men that Paul described.

a. V. 10- Carefully followed-Timothy paid attention to Paul’s life.

b. Life was the classroom for Timothy. “Ministry is not just taught but caught”.

c. Timothy had the unique experience of serving alongside Paul for many years.

d. He heard Paul’s consistent teaching of doctrine and refuting of opponents.

e. He watched firsthand how Paul lived. He saw the motivation of Paul’s life.

f. Timothy saw how Paul loved and served people and sacrificed for them.

g. Timothy also watched Paul suffer from persecution and hardship.

h. Timothy saw how God helped Paul work through the difficulties of life.

2. V. 12-Paul reminded Timothy that everyone who desires a godly life will suffer persecution. Timothy was certainly suffering opposition from many. No surprise.

a. There is much persecution of Christians in the world today.

b. Guzik- We may not face much violent or even economic persecution in our culture; but there is a great deal of social persecution Christians must deal with.

c. 1 Peter 4:4 In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.

d. We must be willing to be thought of as strange. That’s the minimum.

3. V. 13-Evil men (open enemies of God) Imposters (those who pretend to follow God)

a. Some are professed atheists; others claim to know God. Both are deceived/deceiving.

b. Their lives will grow worse and worse.

B. The Word Of God Vs. 14-17

1. As the days of human history get worse and worse, Christians need to persevere.

2. Vs. 14, 15-Timothy was privileged to have been taught the Old Testament by his mother and grandmother. He had been taught and had become sure of the truth of God’s word.

a. Knowing and understanding the Bible can bring salvation. Profitable for salvation.

b. We are not saved by believing the Bible, but by trusting in Jesus who the Bible reveals.

c. Satan knows the Bible, but he is not saved.

d. Timothy learned God’s word from childhood. It is greatly beneficial to teach children.

e. The Biblical foundation which was established by Timothy’s mother and grandmother made him spiritually wise. When he heard Paul preach the Gospel, he believed it.

f. V. 14-Things which you have learned-Not just doctrine, but ministry, suffering, life.

3. V. 16-Inspiration-God breathed. The Bible is the word of God.

4. Paul begins to give Timothy reasons why he should do these things. Not just a command, but a command with an explanation, with reasoning, with purpose, with an explanation of the expected benefits and blessings.

a. Profitable-helpful, advantageous

b. Doctrine- instruction. (Remember 1 Timothy 1:5, the purpose of good doctrine)

c. Reproof- a proof, to test or prove something to be good or bad.

d. Correction- to restore someone to a right condition. To improve their life or character.

e. Righteousness- correctness in thinking, feeling and acting.

5. V. 17-Complete-Spiritually mature. (See Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 5:11-14)

a. Thoroughly equipped-to completely prepare someone. (See Ephesians 2:10)