I. Paul’s Greeting
A. Paul V. 1
1. V. 1-Paul’s situation-2nd Roman imprisonment. He would soon be executed by Nero.
a. Paul knew that he would soon be killed, but his focus was to encourage Timothy
2. Paul identified himself as an apostle according to God’s will. Not self-appointed.
a. According to the promise of life-Eternal life. Paul’s focus was on eternity.
b. See 2 Corinthians 4:17, 18
3. Paul was an apostle according to God’s will. We need to discover God’s will for us.
B. Timothy V. 2
1. V. 2- Timothy was more than a co-worker. He was like Paul’s spiritual son.
2. Philippians 2:20 For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.
II. Timothy’s Past Vs. 3, 4
A. Paul’s Heart Towards Timothy
1. V. 3-It is very encouraging to know that people have been praying for us.
a. It is especially encouraging when we are going through difficult situations.
b. It is good to pray for people and to tell them, to encourage them.
2. V. 4-tears-There was no rebuke to Timothy about his tears. They may have been caused by hardship, or by when they were separated. Tears are a part of life and ministry.
3. Psalms 6:6 I am weary with my groaning; All night I make my bed swim; I drench my couch with my tears. (King David, called a man after God’s own heart)
B. Timothy’s Spiritual Roots V. 5
1. Paul encouraged Timothy about his genuine faith. Timothy was already a pastor.
2. Why would Paul encourage Timothy about this? Perhaps because Timothy had doubts.
3. Timothy had suffered with Paul, traveled with Paul, been trusted by Paul.
4. And yet it seems that Timothy still struggled with spiritual doubts at times.
III. Paul’s Exhortations To Timothy
A. Stir Up The Gift Vs. 6, 7
1. V. 6-Therefore-since all of this is true about you.
a. Stir up the gift-revive, rekindle, bring to life, resuscitate. Difficulties, doubts and discouragement can cause us to not use the gifts that God has given us.
b. Timothy was gifted, but he needed to stir up the gift.
c. He had neglected it, probably because of fear or the constant carnality of the people.
d. We need to remember who God made us to be, and what he has called us to do.
e. There are bold, strong, pastors, and others who are shy and timid. God uses both.
2. V. 7- This verse is a corrective verse. Timothy was thinking incorrectly about himself.
a. Spirit of fear-fear isn’t a sin, but to be dominated by fear is what we want to avoid.
b. Power, love, sound mind-God’s power in us to love and to think clearly, in spite of external crisiticsm or internal insecurities.
c. sound mind-a calm, self-controlled mind, as opposed to a mind that is panicking.
d. Fear can make us panic. A sound mind helps us think clearly when fear comes.
B. Don’t Be Ashamed Of The Gospel Vs. 8-12
1. V. 8- Pastoral ministry is difficult in many ways, especially when we are criticized.
a. Imagine the criticism that Timothy encountered because of his relationship with Paul.
b. Critics of Timothy could accuse him of being friends with a criminal.
c. Paul was in jail because of his testimony about Jesus. He wasn’t a prisoner of Rome, but of Christ. Paul encouraged Timothy to be willing to share in that suffering.
d. According-Guzik-The power of God is always there, but it is not always there to remove the difficulty. Sometimes it is there to see us through the difficulty.
2. V. 9-Paul reminded Timothy about the Gospel. Paul was suffering because of the Gospel.
a. Jesus saved us. He saved us from wrath, from Hell, from the domination of sin.
b. He called us with a holy calling- His calling upon our lives is for holy things.
c. Not according to our works-The calling of God is unconditional and rests solely upon God’s grace. God’s calling has nothing to do with any good works we might do.
d. God called us according to his own purpose and grace before time began.
3. V. 10-This is a wondeful description of what Jesus accomplished.
a. Abolished death-The Christian goes from mortality to immortality. 2 Cor. 5:1-8
b. Brought life and immortality to light-The Gospel brings us abundant & eternal life.
4. V. 11-Paul was apointed by God to preach, to lead, to teach. He knew his calling, which is essential for a person who is suffering for the sake of the Gospel.
5. V. 12-Paul knew why he was suffering, but he was not ashamed. See Romans 8:31-39
a. Paul had an accurate view of Jesus, the Gospel message, and the world’s blindness.
b. The world might tell Timothy that it was shameful to be connected to Paul.
c. But Paul knew who he believed in, and was convinced that Jesus was able to keep everything that Paul had committed to him until Paul died and would go to heaven.
d. Paul had committed his temporal and eternal life to Jesus. He had committed his reputation, his hopes, his dreams, his disapointments.
C. Maintain What You Have Vs. 13, 14
1. V. 13-Hold fast-Timothy knew what he had been taught, but he needed to hold on to it.
a. Satan, false teachers, insecurity, and criticsm might cause him to abandon the true Gospel, and teach something more appealing to the masses.
b. Ephesians 4:14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting…
c. the pattern-form, example. The true Gospel is discernible as a system of teaching.
d. Faith and love-The Gospel is not just something to be understood, but to be lived.
2. V. 14-That good thing which was committed to you
a. Timothy was given a calling and a responsibility. He needed to follow it.
b. He needed to keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
III. Paul’s Enemies & Friends Vs. 15-18
A. Enemies
1. V. 15-All those in Asia-Paul was mostly alone at the end of his life. Not popular.
2. Phygellus and Hermogenes-unfaithful. They abandoned Paul.
B. Friends
1. V. 16- Onesiphorus-his name means “help bringer”.
a. He refreshed Paul-the gift of hospitality and mercy, full of love.
b. Not ashamed of Paul’s chains-He had an eternal view of Paul’s ministry.
2. V. 17-He sought Paul out in Rome
a. He zealously sought for Paul, who was a prisoner on death row.
b. Many would disapprove of such a friendship with a condemned man.
3. V. 18-May he find mercy
a. You know very well-it was common knowledge that Onesiphorus ministered to Paul. He was well known, famous for ministering to Paul.
b. At Ephesus-This was a very difficult place to serve. Timothy was there.
c. Perhaps Paul was using Onisipherus as an example of how a person could be a faithful minister even in Ephesus.