I. How To Treat Older Men- Do not rebuke an older man
A. What Not To Do
1. Stedman- The way you treat people will be affected by how you see them.
2. Don’t rebuke- Only usage of this Greek word. It means to “strike at”.
a. 5:20– rebuke- elegchō- to find fault with, correct
b. 5:1- rebuke- epiplēssō- to strike upon, to beat, to chastise with words
3. Timothy wasn’t to strike out verbally physically with older men.
4. The command wasn’t that Timothy should never correct older men.
a. He is told to do that in this chapter. (1 Timothy 5:20)
b. In correcting an older man, he was to be respectful and not harsh
4. Timothy was to pastor older men, and correct them and convince them of wrong doing as needed, but he was to do so with respect.
5. Another reason to not strike out at an older man is this: It will probably less effective or ineffective at making a valid point
a. It is difficult for anyone to receive correction
b. More difficult to receive correction if someone is attacking you verbally
c. Very difficult if the one attacking you verbally is a younger man
6. A word of caution to younger men
a. Younger men have less experience than older men
b. Younger men may be even more intelligent, but lack perspective on life
c. Younger men can believe that older men are out of touch, old fashioned, and ineffective regarding the things of God.
d. Don’t think an older man unspiritual if you have rebuked him in the wrong way, &he didn’t receive it. He didn’t receive your attitude.
7. A word of caution to older men
a. God is always looking to use men of any age
b. Younger men may lack experience & perspective, be patient with them
c. They have an urgency to change everything NOW, & may criticize your lack of spiritual zeal to right all wrongs. Remember that you used to be like that too. More energy than wisdom, more fervor than perspective.
d. Take time to mentor a younger man
e. Don’t get stuck in your generational traditions & preferences, i.e., that’s the way we have always done things.
f. Don’t resist a Timothy that may rebuke you in a godly way.
B. What To Do
1. but exhort him as a father…parakaleo- to call to one’s side to admonish, encourage, strengthen: like a coach to his athletes, encouraging them to do their best, how do be better, how to avoid errors, etc.
2. The wrong kind of rebuking is full of anger, exhorting is personal and caring
3. It’s not simply a matter of the point being made, it’s a matter of respect & love
4. Leviticus 19:32 32‘You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the LORD.
5. Proverbs 16:31 31 The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, If it is found in the way of righteousness.
II. How To Treat Younger Men- Younger men as brothers
A. What Not To Do
1. Disrespect, lack of love, a mean spirited approach: never right with anyone
2. Don’t see them as rivals
B. What To Do
1. There is a freer approach that younger men can have with other younger men
2. Like one brother getting a younger brother in a headlock
3. The kind of deference and respect that is called for with older men isn’t needed with younger men
4. There should be love, respect, etc., but the need for respect b/c of age, experience, wisdom, etc., isn’t the same.
5. There is a special bond of oneness and unity among brothers.
III. How To Treat Older Women- Older women as mothers
1. These were to be treated as mothers, with the respect and honor due their age.
2. NOTE- Paul does not say treat them as a mother-in-law.
3. A young pastor must accept – and appreciate – some amount of mothering from some of the older women in the church, and it is proper to give them honor as such.
4. Mothers worry, they repeat themselves with warnings, they may over-react if there is danger or a problem, they want to protect, etc.
5. We need to recognize the older women of our church and respect them for who and what they are.
6. They have much counsel to offer us that men would not consider.
IV. How To Treat Younger Women- Younger women as sisters, with all purity.
1. These younger women were to be treated as sisters.
2. Timothy, as any godly man, was to always make certain his conduct towards younger women was always pure and above reproach.
3. A godly man is not flirtatious or provocative, and does not use double entendre’ (witty words that can be taken in a flirtatious or provocative way).
4. Song of Solomon 2:7; 3:5; 8:4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,…Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases.
5. For single men-don’t stir up love before you are able to pursue a relationship all the way to the altar of marriage.
6. All of us men: We are not to use our close proximity to younger women as a convenience to get close for romantic reason. If Agape love is not leading the way, our motives can become very impure, and well intentioned sisters can mis-read our friendliness for pure love, when in fact, it isn’t.